
Phase 2 .. GIFTING ... Plus Happy Birthday Laurie ... Yvette's Family Pictures

Phase 2 ... GIFTING ... Plus Happy Birthday Laurie ... Yvette's Family Pictures

Hiyya Guys, Magnificent Five !
Greetings and blessings my dearest All , this beautiful Sunday morning.

After much thought and prayer, secret to my madness, as I journey on my solo flight to the galaxies beyond, e’en as I think of the two astronauts who are stuck in space for the next six months, I am very pleased to invite you All, to a special gifting event after last week’s , with all my love and blessings , preserving memories….from my heart to yours.

Time, love, peace, caring, sharing, communicating , forgiving, are all so very precious treasures we have been blest with , in honouring our parents and most of all our God Our Father, and must be preserved during our sojourn on planet earth. Right? Right!

This is phase 2 of Gifting. If there is ‘anything’ you would like to have from Big Sis… it’s yours for the asking , if you come to receive it. …. First come, first served , or reserved if I know before hand. Your wish will be my command. Don’t wait too long. Let me know soonest. Ta.
Love you All.

God bless.

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My dearest All,
Here’s wishing Grandma Laurie a very Happy Birthday today in heaven. …1913-2002. Stay safe with Jesus and grandpa Aleixo and Mike. Love you.
All my love and blessings. God bless.
Mum Yvette

Love from Laurie’s and Aleixo’s magnificent five and cheers from their Nova Scotia grandchildren.

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Hiyya Guys,
All’s quiet on the Eastern front? Hope you are all ok.
Sending you some pictures ... Joseph and Anna Marie’s families …. with dog …’Peaches.’ Enjoy.
Keep in touch. God bless.
Ps…Anna Marie’s daughter Sophia brought her friend [in pink top]from Ottawa to check out SFXU …. getting ready for Uni…..y